Monday, October 22

What was that?

Okay, so now that I have had a couple of days to recoup and dry out from my "date" of last Friday I am beginning to wonder what the deal was. I mean, why did gorgeous insist on giving me her phone number if two days later she had a "let's be friends" speech ready for me? I under went a great deal of unnecessary angst last week preparing for that date, thank you very much. I even waxed. Everywhere.

Or maybe it is fine. A certain amount of baggage was opened up to me on Friday and it all seemed too sudden too soon. I mean, were we in the gardens for a date or a therapy session? Hm ... I think I had best proceed with caution here.

In other news, I just received my volunteer schedule for the image+nation film festival. I am really excited! Almost ten years ago, before I was out, I shyly asked a female friend of mine to a screening at the festival. We sat in the darkness munching and laughing along to the film until she pressed the length of her leg against mine. My breath completely left me and like the proverbial deer in her headlights, I froze. I wonder where she is now?

Rachel (nil)

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