Friday, February 1

The Stats

Knowing is half the battle
-- G.I. Joe
As any decent project manager will inform you, it is important to define a project's scope and goals before breaking down project tasks into actions. The scope for Get Rachel Laid: 2008 is:
Scope: Meet and shag a single queer woman between the ages of 25 and 45 in the city of Montreal proper.
Just so you know, I won't be expanding my search to the Montreal Census Metropolitan Area (CMA). I am an urbanite who will not be moving from the downtown core therefore, sadly, I will be leaving the suburbanites to play amongst themselves. I almost used the term "Queer identified" in my scope but how a woman identifies her sexuality is irrelevant to me. I am honestly not concerned as to who a woman has been with past or future as long as they are exclusively with me in the present. And exclusivity only occurs after the "hey, we've been sleeping together for three months, want to be my main squeeze?" conversation.

So what does setting the above scope mean? What is the probability of my meeting a queer woman who meets the above criteria? Unfortunately, Census Canada did not have that demographic neatly calculated in a chart for me. However, using data from the 2006 Census, and my calculations as outlined below, I have determined that 68,797 potentially queer women exist on this island who fit my above criteria. From this group, I'd imagine that about half are in some form of long term or otherwise complicated relationship which effectively renders them "Unavailable" to me and reduces the above number to about 34 thousand. Still promising.

Now where the hell are they?

Yours and mine to discover :)

Rachel (** hopeful)

Population of Women 25 to 44: 254, 805

Total Female population 15 years and older: 720,100
-> In a common-law relationship: 90,675 (13%)
-> Never married: 306,065 (43%)
-> Legally Separated: 20,855 (3%)
-> Divorced: 81,445(11%)
-> Widowed: 75,425 (10%)

For me single means not legally married and not in a common-law relationship so:
% Single Women =
Never Married (43%)
+ Legally Separated (3%)
+ Divorced (11%)
+ Widowed (10%)
- Common-law (13%)
= 54%

Now, and here is the big leap of faith, assuming that the percentage calculated above can be applied to the female population within the age ranges 25 and 44, the number of single women between 25 and 44 in Montreal is:
254, 805 * 54% =
137, 595 women

Wow! over a hundred thousand. Nice.

According to the Kinsey scale approximately half of those women would meet my needs, as in they are at least equally homosexual and heterosexual, which brings the above number down to:
137, 595 * 50% = 68,797 potentially queer single women living on the island of Montreal.

Taking the above number and dividing it by the "lesbian drama quotient" (50% chance) let's say: 34, 398 women fit my scope

Right on!

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