After being stood up yesterday afternoon, I felt the need to brave the again seasonal (read frigid!) weather and wander out amongst my people. What could fit the bill better than the The Coquettish Comedy Cabaret at La Sala Rossa as presented by V Day McGill?
Of course, being me, I was late and missed securing a decent seat before the curtains went up at 8:35. I decided to stand at the bar, sip a Jamie on the rocks, enjoy the show and scope out the crowd. Some of the acts were good, some were better and some excellent.
I was fully absorbed in the delightful Miss Sugarpuss', swoon, performance when a just audible voice inquired, "Rachel? Is that you?" It was certainly me but who would dare to disturb me during a Burlesque act? Could it have been anyone else other than the ever gorgeous?
"Hey, gorgeous? Nice to see you." Two cheek kiss. "What a pleasant surprise!" And it was. I hadn't seen gorgeous since, well, since she hadn't called me to thank me for taking her to the botanical gardens. F word, indeed.
"It has been awhile. I felt shy to call you after the last time we spoke." I quickly attempted to defuse what I sensed would be a litany of excuses. "No need to apologise. Really, I assumed you were busy," but she ignored my good will in order to launch into a complicated explanation regardless. As beautiful as gorgeous is, it was hard to prevent my eyes from straying back to the striptease during her sincere whispers until the following statement broke through to my consciousness, "... and that is how smooth-movin' and I got together." What?! So much for needing a break from romantic entanglements. Ah, the hypocrisy of deep like.
As if on queue, smooth-movin' appeared, with a hand quickly and possessively placed on gorgeous' waist, to wonder why gorgeous was taking so long with the drink orders. Minor bickering ensued following which I was asked to join them at their table near the front. Why not? Being more cautious of late, I did double check for wonderful's presence at said table before agreeing to lift my elbows from the bar.
Rachel **
P.S. Finally heard word of when and where the next meow mix will be happening:
Self Love (Meow Mix)
Saturday, February 9th
Sala Rossa
4848 St. Laurent
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