Saturday, November 3

Good Samaritan

Kiss me with your Eyes
- silk screening advert, Stedelijk Museum
Madness! On my way back from Sappho - smoky lesbian bar packed with eye candy - I encountered a woman stumbling down the Princes Canal. She saw me, mumbled something in Spanish and gave me her mobile phone. Her boyfriend was on the other end and explained to me that he had lost her over two hours ago when she had left the Coffee House they had been in. Yes, that kind of coffee house. I was able to explain to him where we were but found it very difficult to explain to her that she needed to move to a safer street corner.

Dammit! Why had la profesora spent so much time on feelings and days of the week! I needed to explain to this woman that she needed to move towards the light and the monster sized poster of the hot Swiss ski instructor.

"La luz!" I pointed frantically down the canal.

My dutch companion shook her head, "Let us just walk her." Which is what we did. We walked her to the corner, told her to stay "aqui!", crossed the street and waited for her boyfriend to appear. Secretly, I was expecting a nefarious looking character so was slightly disappointed when a sweet enough looking guy in a pink shirt appeared to whisk her to safety.

If you are in Amsterdam, definitely visit Saarein and Sappho ;-).

Rachel *****

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