Wednesday, March 19

Best Lesbian Erotica (BLE)

Hello my little friends,

As you know, I like to write smut. However, I certainly like to read it, too. Especially well written, "wow, who would have thought of doing that?" stories. Please submit your naughty stories. Please, please, please. Then let me know where, when and, I suppose, whom. Plus, depending on where it gets published, you may make some cold hard cash.

Your smut for "Best Lesbian Erotica Anthology" is due April 1, 2008. For more details see the cleis press submissions page

Other calls for queer erotic submissions may be found at

Happy tapping :)
Rachel (*** writing furiously and doing her best to work out the kinks ;)


Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel! Great blog. :)

I hear you on the inadvertant rerouting of smut to inappropriate parties -- I've done it as well. *g* And Yeah, it really WAS a mistake....

Did you submit to BLE?

Nice to see you in Dublin the other month.

Cheyenne Blue

Rachel said...

Hey Cheyenne,

I did indeed submit to BLE. It was a shorter piece and I hope that they like it. If not, well my dirty little mind is always thinking of more.

"Tanks a million", as they say in Dublin, for the compliment on the blog :) It has been fun tapping away on a regular basis.

Hope to see you in Montreal or Dublin sooner rather than later.
