Tuesday, December 18

Sad songs they say so much

There is nothing more romantic than the unobtainable
- Doris Lessing
A colleague of mine came into my office today exclaiming, "You have to hear this song!" Like a fool I thought it would be something upbeat, ya know, a little disco to speed up my typing. Instead, she plugged in her iPod and brought up "The Nicest Thing" by Kate Nash. I sat listening to the slow paced lyrics that hit me like a ton of bricks while my pal buzzed about my office.

"Rachel, does this slinky work?" She tried it. It did. "How cool is that! Is that a real fish tank? Oh, it's a USB one." and other inane comments on my office toys until finally the song ended and she turned to me. "Great song, eh?" "Yeah. Brilliant." "There's another song Puncture Repair by Elbow which you should hear, too." Lady, I really, really want you and your depressing tunes out of my office! "Um, I have a report I need to finish. I'll listen to it later." She took the hint. "Okay, see you later," and she bounded out of my office, no doubt on her way to kill someone else's good mood with her depressing tunes.

I shut the door behind her and flung and caught my Nerf ball against the window chanting. "What," throw. "If!" catch. "What," throw. "If?" catch ...

I stopped when I felt better. Actually, I stopped after I threw the Nerf ball so hard it ricocheted off my desk and knocked over my recycling with the most satisfying crash. After that, I felt better.

Rachel (nil) - I really should create a profile on pink sofa...

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