EVERYONE is back to school today. Montreal's downtown core is hot, muggy and packed with lost looking undergrads. This years crop of baby dykes are soooo cute it took a conscious effort on my part to not join the veggie burger line snaking through the grass at the nearby back to school BBQ.

Back when I was an undergrad, and had long
Farah Fawcette styled hair, I remember sitting in a circle of loosely acquainted frosh with our frosh leader,
sunny, listening to every pearl of wisdom that parted her lips. I realise now that I had a major crush on sweet delicious
sunny. My heart raced the first time I took in her short cropped hair, Birkenstocks and large reflective sunglasses. Of course, I had no idea why I wanted to be so close to her at the time, what that little shiver was when our hands brushed each other, why, when she slid off her sun glasses to level me with her sublime intense green eyes, I blushed, went for another beer and to sit with a boy across from her. Even more confusing to me, the next day, was why I made out with that guy later at Gert's when all I wanted to do was to put my elbows alongside
sunny's at the bar. I was eighteen and she was twenty.
And so, remembering the clueless and confused me of eighteen, I decide to pass by the line of baby faced tattooed undergrads in their cut off jeans and asymmetrical hair cuts. "We are auditioning to find a package, not a project," I remind myself. Sure these women look
out but they are still too young for me. I resolve to hold off on any attempts at academic pick ups until the
Post-Graduate Students Society of McGill hold their queer month in October. I've even heard rumours that a drag show at Thomson House will be included in the festivities.
Hope to see you there.
Rachel O. Esplanade
The Queerish Event Guide
ps Image copyright
Description: Charlie's Angels Season 2 DVD Cover Art.
Source: © 1976 Spelling-Goldberg Productions. All Rights Reserved
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